Tuesday, November 13, 2007
pneumonia nights
Okay, so like it's almost 10:00 pm and I'm sucking down the second half of a bottle of Strawberry Hill poured over ice into a big plastic cup with a green bendy straw.
Yeah, I know, it seems just like any ol' regular normal night.
But it's not.
Tonight is night number six.
I am tired, very tired. The Wife is tired, very tired.
And as for the The Boy. . .
Well, he's got a really nasty case of freakin' pneumonia. He came down with it last Thursday. The Wife and I are convinced that this is the sickest he has ever been, even more so than his last hospitalization.
We are very proud of the fact that we have thus far kept him out of the hospital. Although we still have a bag packed by the door so we can be ready to go at a moment's notice. And there's been a couple times over the past few days when I had that bag in my hand.
To say it sucks giant ass is really an understatement. It has been a constant struggle to keep his lungs clear enough to breath. He has been on oxygen for six days. We have pulled out all the machinery, up to and including the ones that go "ping": nebulizers, concentrators, percussors, pulse-oximeters, enteral feeding pumps.
Our days and nights are a whirl of buzzing and beeping.
Providing round the clock care continues to be exhausting. To provide some relief and moral support my mother-in-law came on Monday. Ain't nothing like a sick kid to make a grandma come running. My mom is swapping out and taking her shift this weekend.
We are not out of the woods, but perhaps the trees are thinning.
The Boy just feels freakin' miserable.
The Wife and I just feel helpless. And more than a little scared.
More info and updates later, I need to try to get a few moments sleep while I am able to do so. Another long night is about to begin.
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