
Sunday, August 01, 2004

frogs in pots 

As further evidence of the current regime's nefarious scheming with what can only be The Dark Lord to further erode, evade, and outright ignore the civil liberties that identify America as the Land of The Free I offer this:

Some Democrats seeking Cheney tickets had to sign oath

I beg your fucking pardon.

RIO RANCHO, N.M. (AP) -- Some Democrats who signed up to hear Vice President Dick Cheney speak here Saturday were refused tickets unless they signed a pledge to endorse President Bush.

The measure was a security step designed to avoid a disruption, which Bush campaign spokesman Dan Foley alleged Democrats were planning. Democratic Party officials denied it."

Sign a pledge? Dubya's folks made people, American citizens, sign a pledge to endorse, and in essence pledge your loyalty to the current regime. They discrimated against a group of citizens based upon their political affiliation.

"a security step designed to avoid a disruption"? Any expression of dissent might fracture the fragile illusion of a government of, by and for the people and reveal the increasingly ugly truths of the oligarchy.

Once again, I beg your fucking pardon.

I was under the impression that the Vice President, as well as The President laboriously toil unceasingly for all American, not just for the shallow needs of a selected few. They are accountable to all of us.

Kerry campaign spokesman Ruben Pulido Jr. agrees, "I think that every American should have the right to see their vice president and hear from him firsthand what he plans to do for our country," Pulido said.


We are all frogs in pots upon the stove.

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