Tuesday, August 17, 2004
touch the monkey
addressing the aardvark
bolstering the bottom line
charming the chimp
dousing the dog
elevating the elephant
frosting the frog
glistening the glasspipe
hooting and hollering
inflating the idiot stick
jamming the jello pole
kicking the kangaroo
lambasting the loon
mashing the manatee
noodling in neverland
occupying the oligarchy
punishing the pommel horse
quieting the quicksilver
roughing up the skin rod
spit shining the spatula
tarnishing the tarantula
undulating the unicorn
vacillating the vacuum hose
worshipping the wonder worm
xeroxing the xylophone
yodeling in yosemite
zapping the zebra
bolstering the bottom line
charming the chimp
dousing the dog
elevating the elephant
frosting the frog
glistening the glasspipe
hooting and hollering
inflating the idiot stick
jamming the jello pole
kicking the kangaroo
lambasting the loon
mashing the manatee
noodling in neverland
occupying the oligarchy
punishing the pommel horse
quieting the quicksilver
roughing up the skin rod
spit shining the spatula
tarnishing the tarantula
undulating the unicorn
vacillating the vacuum hose
worshipping the wonder worm
xeroxing the xylophone
yodeling in yosemite
zapping the zebra
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