
Friday, June 03, 2005

ignorance was bliss 

A couple weeks back I received the following unsolicited advertisement in my electronic correspondence:


Originally I found it rather amusing, in that make you grin but not quite make you laugh kinda of way. The second time I looked at it I thought it was just plain fucking funny. I mean really now, look at the way she's posing in the photo. And how could I possibly resist the temptation to click "Apply Online Now" to get educated and begin a career as Counter-Terrorism?

Homeland security is creating more jobs?

As I thought about it my amusement melted into a disturbed state. There is something wrong, very wrong, very very wrong about the whole idea, about the concept and thought process behind the ad. There just is.

I can't quite put my finger on it, but there is something about the ad that frightens me because it reminds me of this.

Because I couldn't quite clearly identify what it is exactly, in the interest of clarity I did a little Google search to research it and learn more in hopes of figuring it out.

If the ad bothers me I'll bet it totally freaks her world.

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