
Monday, April 27, 2009

everybody look what's going down 

Swine flu is new flu virus combining strains of human, bird and swine flu.

- Swine Flu Fears Close Numerous Schools in Several States


The move indicates the world body has determined the virus is capable of significant human-to-human transmission. . .

. . . The outbreak is a particular concern because of who it is hitting hard, United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said Monday. "We are concerned that in Mexico, most of those who died were young and healthy adults," he said.

- WHO raises pandemic alert level; more swine flu cases feared


But Lezana said the presence of Eurasian swine flu genes in the H1N1 virus makes it unlikely that the disease originated in a Mexican pig farm.

- First Mexico fatal flu victim sought help for day


So where'd it come from? Anyone got an idea?

Just askin'.

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