Saturday, April 10, 2004
Ms. von Munchausen revealed (sort of)
"What's done in darkness always comes to light."
What follows is an account from the FRONT PAGE of yesterday's Local Daily Newspaper. At this point and time, I have changed all of the names, not to protect the innocent, because in this report there are no innocent parties. I have done so, in part, because "The subpeona's are coming! The subpeona's are coming!"
Officially, The Wife and The Good Doctor, as well as the other Forces of Goodness and Light who have allied against the evil Ms. von Munchausen have been advised to make no public comment as this is still very much an ongoing investigation.
What we may have heard, overheard, or misinterpreted in more private conversations may be something else entirely.
To preserve confidentiality, I have changed all of the names.
For the sake of accuracy I have added [my commentary] to the story.
State suspends child placements to well-know residential foster home for ill children due to license violations
Friday, April 9, 2004
State protective services officials have launched an investigation into a prominent Central Midsized American City foster home and removed eight children they fear were abused and neglected. [yep.]
The state officials removed six children, ages 2 to 10, in March from Ms. von Munchausen's so-called Home for Children with Significant Medical Needs, a group foster home for medically fragile children. Two other children -- preteens whom the state had permanently placed with Ms. von Munchausen and her husband The Abusive Ignorant Possibly Pedaphilic Idiot, the agency founders -- were removed this week, said The Spokesman for the State Child Protection Agency. [yep.]
"Basically, we identified some areas of pretty significant concern for the safety of the children," The Spokseman. said.
[It's about damn time you finally got around to identifying areas of "pretty significant concern." By your Agency's own private admission you have a 3 INCH BINDER full of of reports that have been filed over the last few years that were never properly investigated or outright ignored.]
Most of the children were placed in temporary homes. At least one will stay with a family member, he said.
[not sure which one that is. It's either the child that has already been hospitalized again due to the abuse that caused her to be originally placed with Ms. von Munchausen, or the one who currently lives with the family of an adult daughter of Ms. von Munchausen because of the way Ms. von Munchausen has already screwed her up. In which case Ms. von Munchausen just moved back in with her teenage daughter she has. The woman should flat out not be around children. It's no secret.]
The Lawyer for Ms. von Munchausen's so-called Home for Children with Significant Medical Needs board of directors, said the board was working closely with the State Child Protection Agency, the division of the state agency that handles abuse complaints. The group also is conducting an internal investigation and is seeking public input. ["public input"? What does that mean exactly?]
"The board is shocked," The Lawyer said. "Their primary concern is what's best for the children.
[Shocked? Hardly, the lying sacks of shit. The Staff has been telling them for years about the abuse and neglect perpetrated by Ms. von Munchausen and her husband, The Abusive Ignorant Possibly Pedaphilic Idiot. Some of it is in writing.]
Ms. von Munchausen and her husband, The Abusive Ignorant Possibly Pedaphilic Idiot could not be reached for comment Thursday.
["Ms. von Munchausen, come out, come out wherever you are, you stupid fucking pile of dung!" The Wife and I are considering putting together a pool betting on when Ms. von Munchausen will finally crack from the negative media attention, completely disregard the counsel of her attorney, and go totally postal on the six o'clock news. Hell, we're not just betting on, it is our goal.]
Ms. von Munchausen's so-called Home for Children with Significant Medical Needs, at 1234 Residential Street, is a nonprofit founded in 1988 by Ms. von Munchausen and her husband, The Abusive Ignorant Possibly Pedaphilic Idiot. The facility focuses on medically fragile foster children, most of whom have HIV or AIDS.
[Founded because at that time many children born with HIV/AIDS were abandoned because their prognosis was very bleak. Ms. von Munchausen had the good idea that these children needed love also. At that time they did. They never anticipated that medicine would advance and these babies would live. Her evil broken mind twisted this good idea and she loved and drugged and held and rocked the poor little abandoned AIDS crack babies until they had been dead for song long that their bodies were cold. She then had them cremated and kept them in little wooden boxes on her nightstand, with dirty dishes and dirty underwear casually stacked on top. Creepy. Like Ms. Haversham from a Dicken's novel creepy. And quite true. Confirmed by multiple sources true.]
On March 7, the department received a tip on its abuse and neglect hot line after a child was sent to the hospital in respiratory distress, The Spokesman said. ["a child" = The Boy]
"There was an allegation that the condition was caused by one of the caregivers," he said.
["caused by one of the caregivers"!!! The fucking bitch nearly killed him! Within fifteen minutes of being alone with him! Hours after she was seen reading a letter from the State Child Protection Agency informing her to start preparing The Boy for adoption. She knew exactly what she was doing. She fully intended to hurt The Boy. We think she called EMS because she got scared when she realized how badly she hurt him. Not scared her like "Oh my God, what I done to this beautiful innocent child" scared her; more like the "Oh Shit! I need to cover my ass before I get found out and in a heap of trouble" scared her. It was intentional, malicious, premeditated and deliberate. "Why?" you ask. Because she is just plain fucked-up and should be locked for the rest of her days in either a psychiatric hospital, which has a certain pleasant tinge of irony to it; or prison.]
Six children were removed within a week, The Spokesman said. [GOAL!] The call also sparked a State Child Protection Agency investigation into the care of the two children still in Ms. von Munchausen and her husband, The Abusive Ignorant Possibly Pedaphilic Idiot's custody. Those children were removed Wednesday.
[So go fuck yourselves, you pathetic excuse for parents.]
Ms. von Munchausen's so-called Home for Children with Significant Medical Needs' license as a foster group home has not been revoked, The Spokesman said. The state, which contracts with the facility to care for children in State Child Protection Agency custody, has suspended new child placements.
For years, Ms. von Munchausen's so-called Home for Children with Significant Medical Needs has been a well-known fixture in the Mid Sized American City's foster care community.
[They have deceived the good people of this city for many years. No longer. You can't put the genie back in the bottle.]
In 1995, the home made a public appeal for money after financial problems left it struggling to survive. Later that year, Mid Sized American City-area residents donated more than $100,000 to help Ms. von Munchausen's so-called Home for Children with Significant Medical Needs move to a larger house.
[I hope the people of this town start screaming about how they were the victims of a disgraceful scam. I may have to start calling the local AM radio talkshows as a concerned citizen.]
In 2001, Ms. von Munchausen and her husband, The Abusive Ignorant Possibly Pedaphilic Idiot received a Governor's Volunteer Award. In 2002, they were featured in a Christmas Day tribute to special neighbors in the Local Daily Newspaper. The article spotlighted people who "mold the character and the spirit of our area."
[I recall reading the article. It made me wanna throw up. Their deception was so thorough and convincing that they fooled the Governor in addtion to every local media outlet.]
But in March, the State Child Protection Agency found multiple problems during an unannounced visit.
[They've been finding problems for years, but never took any action other than to send hand-slapping letters. By the Agency's own private admission they have a 3 INCH BINDER full of of reports that have been filed over the last few years that were never properly investigated our outright ignored.]
According to department documents, Ms. von Munchausen's so-called Home for Children with Significant Medical Needs' children were not properly supervised. The facility did not have an isolation room for sick children to prevent the spread of germs. One bathroom smelled of urine. A trash can overflowed with refuse and dirty diapers.
[Not properly supervised. Because the home was terribly understaffed and the staff was required to work 8 hour or longer shifts non-stop. No breaks. Period. In complete violation and with a total callous disregard for federal labor laws. No isolation room? Because it was piled floor to the ceiling so thick you literally could not open the door with Ms. von Munchausen piles and piles of crap. Bathroom smelling of urine. Probably did. Although it was cleaned daily, the two boys urinated and deficated everywhere. A classic sign of sexual abuse, which on multiple occasions was brought to the attention of Ms. von Munchausen. She did nothing. Overflowing trash can? If there is not enough staff to take care of the children, who's gonna take out the trash. And where where the loving foster parents? Sleeping or otherwise to busy to be bothered to care for the children.]
"As a result of noncompliance with the terms of contract . . . the health, welfare and safety of the children are at risk," a state inspector wrote in one report. "Examples include inappropriate restraints, lack of appropriate supervision by staff, unsafe and unclean physical plant conditions."
[Yep. These same problems had been going on for years. The State Child Protection Agency was fully aware it because it's in their reports. The State never took any action before, why would Ms. von Munchausen have reason to believe they would now? Due to the State Child Protection Agency's complicity, her sense of self-righteousness, and her hugely over inflated sense of importance and ego, Ms. von Munchausen felt a heightened sense of invunerability. She literally believes that she is above the law and I am quite certain that today she sits somewhere, stewing in anger, convinced she is being persecuted and has done no wrong.]
On Thursday, a moving van was parked in front of Ms. von Munchausen's so-called Home for Children with Significant Medical Needs as workers loaded items from the building. Evans said the board of directors wanted to secure facility records for its own investigation.
[Secure records? Hmmm, Our Mole told The Wife that hundreds of documents are missing. Investigation? HA HA!]
The Lawyer hired by the board of directors emphasized that the allegations against Ms. von Munchausen's so-called Home for Children with Significant Medical Needs have not been proved.
[Yet. The keyword is "yet". Patience, grasshopper. . . So many people are gonna start singing that it's gonna sound like the freaking Mormon Tabernacle Choir.]
"We don't really know what we have," The Lawyer said. "We're just as shocked as everyone else."
[Really? Then you are either a liar or a fool. And as you are an attorney, I suspect you are no fool.]
This drama has also been the top six o'clock news story this week on 3 of the 5 local news station. One huge problem with the story as it has played out so far, is that it does almost nothing to direct the iron hand of justice towards the true perpetrators of evil: Ms. von Munchausen and her husband, The Abusive Ignorant Possibly Pedaphilic Idiot.
The State Child Protection Agency is trying desperately to cover their own ass. The board of directors is trying to cover their ass. Ms. von Munchausen and her husband, The Abusive Ignorant Possibly Pedaphilic Idiot? They've eluded responsibility for decades, they won't start accepting it now.
That leaves The Staff, of which The Wife was one for many years, hung out to dry.
Fuck them. Fuck them all. Next week we go to the media. It's our turn to tell our side of the story. We will scheme and hatch a nefarious plot to bring about the complete, total and absolute destruction of Ms. von Munchausen and her husband, The Abusive Ignorant Possibly Pedaphilic Idiot.
What follows is an account from the FRONT PAGE of yesterday's Local Daily Newspaper. At this point and time, I have changed all of the names, not to protect the innocent, because in this report there are no innocent parties. I have done so, in part, because "The subpeona's are coming! The subpeona's are coming!"
Officially, The Wife and The Good Doctor, as well as the other Forces of Goodness and Light who have allied against the evil Ms. von Munchausen have been advised to make no public comment as this is still very much an ongoing investigation.
What we may have heard, overheard, or misinterpreted in more private conversations may be something else entirely.
To preserve confidentiality, I have changed all of the names.
For the sake of accuracy I have added [my commentary] to the story.
State suspends child placements to well-know residential foster home for ill children due to license violations
Friday, April 9, 2004
State protective services officials have launched an investigation into a prominent Central Midsized American City foster home and removed eight children they fear were abused and neglected. [yep.]
The state officials removed six children, ages 2 to 10, in March from Ms. von Munchausen's so-called Home for Children with Significant Medical Needs, a group foster home for medically fragile children. Two other children -- preteens whom the state had permanently placed with Ms. von Munchausen and her husband The Abusive Ignorant Possibly Pedaphilic Idiot, the agency founders -- were removed this week, said The Spokesman for the State Child Protection Agency. [yep.]
"Basically, we identified some areas of pretty significant concern for the safety of the children," The Spokseman. said.
[It's about damn time you finally got around to identifying areas of "pretty significant concern." By your Agency's own private admission you have a 3 INCH BINDER full of of reports that have been filed over the last few years that were never properly investigated or outright ignored.]
Most of the children were placed in temporary homes. At least one will stay with a family member, he said.
[not sure which one that is. It's either the child that has already been hospitalized again due to the abuse that caused her to be originally placed with Ms. von Munchausen, or the one who currently lives with the family of an adult daughter of Ms. von Munchausen because of the way Ms. von Munchausen has already screwed her up. In which case Ms. von Munchausen just moved back in with her teenage daughter she has. The woman should flat out not be around children. It's no secret.]
The Lawyer for Ms. von Munchausen's so-called Home for Children with Significant Medical Needs board of directors, said the board was working closely with the State Child Protection Agency, the division of the state agency that handles abuse complaints. The group also is conducting an internal investigation and is seeking public input. ["public input"? What does that mean exactly?]
"The board is shocked," The Lawyer said. "Their primary concern is what's best for the children.
[Shocked? Hardly, the lying sacks of shit. The Staff has been telling them for years about the abuse and neglect perpetrated by Ms. von Munchausen and her husband, The Abusive Ignorant Possibly Pedaphilic Idiot. Some of it is in writing.]
Ms. von Munchausen and her husband, The Abusive Ignorant Possibly Pedaphilic Idiot could not be reached for comment Thursday.
["Ms. von Munchausen, come out, come out wherever you are, you stupid fucking pile of dung!" The Wife and I are considering putting together a pool betting on when Ms. von Munchausen will finally crack from the negative media attention, completely disregard the counsel of her attorney, and go totally postal on the six o'clock news. Hell, we're not just betting on, it is our goal.]
Ms. von Munchausen's so-called Home for Children with Significant Medical Needs, at 1234 Residential Street, is a nonprofit founded in 1988 by Ms. von Munchausen and her husband, The Abusive Ignorant Possibly Pedaphilic Idiot. The facility focuses on medically fragile foster children, most of whom have HIV or AIDS.
[Founded because at that time many children born with HIV/AIDS were abandoned because their prognosis was very bleak. Ms. von Munchausen had the good idea that these children needed love also. At that time they did. They never anticipated that medicine would advance and these babies would live. Her evil broken mind twisted this good idea and she loved and drugged and held and rocked the poor little abandoned AIDS crack babies until they had been dead for song long that their bodies were cold. She then had them cremated and kept them in little wooden boxes on her nightstand, with dirty dishes and dirty underwear casually stacked on top. Creepy. Like Ms. Haversham from a Dicken's novel creepy. And quite true. Confirmed by multiple sources true.]
On March 7, the department received a tip on its abuse and neglect hot line after a child was sent to the hospital in respiratory distress, The Spokesman said. ["a child" = The Boy]
"There was an allegation that the condition was caused by one of the caregivers," he said.
["caused by one of the caregivers"!!! The fucking bitch nearly killed him! Within fifteen minutes of being alone with him! Hours after she was seen reading a letter from the State Child Protection Agency informing her to start preparing The Boy for adoption. She knew exactly what she was doing. She fully intended to hurt The Boy. We think she called EMS because she got scared when she realized how badly she hurt him. Not scared her like "Oh my God, what I done to this beautiful innocent child" scared her; more like the "Oh Shit! I need to cover my ass before I get found out and in a heap of trouble" scared her. It was intentional, malicious, premeditated and deliberate. "Why?" you ask. Because she is just plain fucked-up and should be locked for the rest of her days in either a psychiatric hospital, which has a certain pleasant tinge of irony to it; or prison.]
Six children were removed within a week, The Spokesman said. [GOAL!] The call also sparked a State Child Protection Agency investigation into the care of the two children still in Ms. von Munchausen and her husband, The Abusive Ignorant Possibly Pedaphilic Idiot's custody. Those children were removed Wednesday.
[So go fuck yourselves, you pathetic excuse for parents.]
Ms. von Munchausen's so-called Home for Children with Significant Medical Needs' license as a foster group home has not been revoked, The Spokesman said. The state, which contracts with the facility to care for children in State Child Protection Agency custody, has suspended new child placements.
For years, Ms. von Munchausen's so-called Home for Children with Significant Medical Needs has been a well-known fixture in the Mid Sized American City's foster care community.
[They have deceived the good people of this city for many years. No longer. You can't put the genie back in the bottle.]
In 1995, the home made a public appeal for money after financial problems left it struggling to survive. Later that year, Mid Sized American City-area residents donated more than $100,000 to help Ms. von Munchausen's so-called Home for Children with Significant Medical Needs move to a larger house.
[I hope the people of this town start screaming about how they were the victims of a disgraceful scam. I may have to start calling the local AM radio talkshows as a concerned citizen.]
In 2001, Ms. von Munchausen and her husband, The Abusive Ignorant Possibly Pedaphilic Idiot received a Governor's Volunteer Award. In 2002, they were featured in a Christmas Day tribute to special neighbors in the Local Daily Newspaper. The article spotlighted people who "mold the character and the spirit of our area."
[I recall reading the article. It made me wanna throw up. Their deception was so thorough and convincing that they fooled the Governor in addtion to every local media outlet.]
But in March, the State Child Protection Agency found multiple problems during an unannounced visit.
[They've been finding problems for years, but never took any action other than to send hand-slapping letters. By the Agency's own private admission they have a 3 INCH BINDER full of of reports that have been filed over the last few years that were never properly investigated our outright ignored.]
According to department documents, Ms. von Munchausen's so-called Home for Children with Significant Medical Needs' children were not properly supervised. The facility did not have an isolation room for sick children to prevent the spread of germs. One bathroom smelled of urine. A trash can overflowed with refuse and dirty diapers.
[Not properly supervised. Because the home was terribly understaffed and the staff was required to work 8 hour or longer shifts non-stop. No breaks. Period. In complete violation and with a total callous disregard for federal labor laws. No isolation room? Because it was piled floor to the ceiling so thick you literally could not open the door with Ms. von Munchausen piles and piles of crap. Bathroom smelling of urine. Probably did. Although it was cleaned daily, the two boys urinated and deficated everywhere. A classic sign of sexual abuse, which on multiple occasions was brought to the attention of Ms. von Munchausen. She did nothing. Overflowing trash can? If there is not enough staff to take care of the children, who's gonna take out the trash. And where where the loving foster parents? Sleeping or otherwise to busy to be bothered to care for the children.]
"As a result of noncompliance with the terms of contract . . . the health, welfare and safety of the children are at risk," a state inspector wrote in one report. "Examples include inappropriate restraints, lack of appropriate supervision by staff, unsafe and unclean physical plant conditions."
[Yep. These same problems had been going on for years. The State Child Protection Agency was fully aware it because it's in their reports. The State never took any action before, why would Ms. von Munchausen have reason to believe they would now? Due to the State Child Protection Agency's complicity, her sense of self-righteousness, and her hugely over inflated sense of importance and ego, Ms. von Munchausen felt a heightened sense of invunerability. She literally believes that she is above the law and I am quite certain that today she sits somewhere, stewing in anger, convinced she is being persecuted and has done no wrong.]
On Thursday, a moving van was parked in front of Ms. von Munchausen's so-called Home for Children with Significant Medical Needs as workers loaded items from the building. Evans said the board of directors wanted to secure facility records for its own investigation.
[Secure records? Hmmm, Our Mole told The Wife that hundreds of documents are missing. Investigation? HA HA!]
The Lawyer hired by the board of directors emphasized that the allegations against Ms. von Munchausen's so-called Home for Children with Significant Medical Needs have not been proved.
[Yet. The keyword is "yet". Patience, grasshopper. . . So many people are gonna start singing that it's gonna sound like the freaking Mormon Tabernacle Choir.]
"We don't really know what we have," The Lawyer said. "We're just as shocked as everyone else."
[Really? Then you are either a liar or a fool. And as you are an attorney, I suspect you are no fool.]
This drama has also been the top six o'clock news story this week on 3 of the 5 local news station. One huge problem with the story as it has played out so far, is that it does almost nothing to direct the iron hand of justice towards the true perpetrators of evil: Ms. von Munchausen and her husband, The Abusive Ignorant Possibly Pedaphilic Idiot.
The State Child Protection Agency is trying desperately to cover their own ass. The board of directors is trying to cover their ass. Ms. von Munchausen and her husband, The Abusive Ignorant Possibly Pedaphilic Idiot? They've eluded responsibility for decades, they won't start accepting it now.
That leaves The Staff, of which The Wife was one for many years, hung out to dry.
Fuck them. Fuck them all. Next week we go to the media. It's our turn to tell our side of the story. We will scheme and hatch a nefarious plot to bring about the complete, total and absolute destruction of Ms. von Munchausen and her husband, The Abusive Ignorant Possibly Pedaphilic Idiot.
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