Monday, November 08, 2004
iglet's wisdom
The fact that people take the time from their otherwise busy and meaningful lives to read the mostly late night rantings of a slightly-drunken (yes! but on what? alcohol, love, sleep deprivation) madman continues to amaze and humble The Good Doctor Noyz.
So, I thank you all. And I beseech thee in the bowels of Christ to keep reading.
It is even more amazing to me that on ocassion my ramblings are insightful (or inciteful, whatever the case may be) to move you, my dear reader, to "work with me people" or "c'mon baby, give me some more" and share your thoughts with me in return.
So, I thank you all. And I beseech thee in the bowels of Christ to keep commenting.
Recently, I received a comment from one her calls herself "sageness" but to me will always be "The Iglet". I love her dearly, and although she is not my child, her mother spent much of The Iglet's early adolescence and teenage years only half-jokingly suggesting I take and keep her.
She is my god-daughter. And she knows about the very bad people that put a chip in my head, oh yeah. The Iglet reminds me of the daughter I could have had were it not for the two hundred dollars I borrowed from a friend almost twenty summers past.
Ah, the sweet folly of youth.
The Iglet aka sageness, struck upon a great idea for world peace.
Yes, that's correct, you read that properly, your eyes did not deceive you, WORLD PEACE.
I am repeating her idea right here, in this forum, so that the world will be better informed of its Path to Salvation.
The Good Doctor Noyz proudly presents The Iglet's sure-fire guaranteed plan for WORLD PEACE that "could even start a revolution within feminism and pot-heads. THINK ABOUT IT!!"
Peace on earth:
Women: "Hit this and shut the fuck up!"
Men: "Okay"
Think about it.
So, I thank you all. And I beseech thee in the bowels of Christ to keep reading.
It is even more amazing to me that on ocassion my ramblings are insightful (or inciteful, whatever the case may be) to move you, my dear reader, to "work with me people" or "c'mon baby, give me some more" and share your thoughts with me in return.
So, I thank you all. And I beseech thee in the bowels of Christ to keep commenting.
Recently, I received a comment from one her calls herself "sageness" but to me will always be "The Iglet". I love her dearly, and although she is not my child, her mother spent much of The Iglet's early adolescence and teenage years only half-jokingly suggesting I take and keep her.
She is my god-daughter. And she knows about the very bad people that put a chip in my head, oh yeah. The Iglet reminds me of the daughter I could have had were it not for the two hundred dollars I borrowed from a friend almost twenty summers past.
Ah, the sweet folly of youth.
The Iglet aka sageness, struck upon a great idea for world peace.
Yes, that's correct, you read that properly, your eyes did not deceive you, WORLD PEACE.
I am repeating her idea right here, in this forum, so that the world will be better informed of its Path to Salvation.
The Good Doctor Noyz proudly presents The Iglet's sure-fire guaranteed plan for WORLD PEACE that "could even start a revolution within feminism and pot-heads. THINK ABOUT IT!!"
Peace on earth:
Women: "Hit this and shut the fuck up!"
Men: "Okay"
Think about it.
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