Monday, July 30, 2007
puzzling evidence - part two
Well I hope you're happy with what you've madeWe're being set up. Or maybe we're not. I am not sure which.
In the land of the free and the home of the brave
- David Byrne, "Puzzling Evidence"
We're heading for the day of reckoning I'm telling ya,I am getting the distinct feeling that something is happening here, what it is ain't exactly clear, and while there might be a man with a gun over there the young people are seeminglyfar to distracted and complacent with their Playstations or pimping their rides or pumping up their false sense of MySpace celebrity to have much of a mind to speak.
Its all building up to something,
Something that can be redeemed with fire
- Pete Townsend, "Give Blood"
And it's really fucked up. I mean, really.
Take this whole recent Pat Tillman thing for example. First off, what happened to that poor bastard is just plain wrong. No matter how you put lipstick on it, it's still gonna be a pig.
What Pat Tillman thing? This one.
It's big, it's mean, and boy, is it ugly.
Isn't there something about it though that just rubs ya wrong, like one of those nights back in college when you got drunk and fell in the creek and had to spend the rest of the night walking around in a pair of wet Levi's 501s? Oooh, the chafing.
Let's not even mess with the irony at best, or sheer self-centered cynicism at worst, of the fair and balanced side of things telling you, "move along, there is nothing to see here" while funding their frequent nemesis and failing to defend this guy.
Let's for a moment wonder why this side is shouting , or at least saying in a possibly somewhat louder than normal tone of voice, "Shenanigans! Fifteen yards and loss of down!" when they are quietly one of the big money makers (#9) of the game.
Ooh, the chafing.
Kinda makes me wonder about the veracity of that whole "left-right" "liberal-conservative" distinction.
It's like the oldest trick in the book, most preferred by magicians and hucksters since time immemorial: use the left hand to distract you from watching the right hand and then just kick you fucking hard in the nuts. BLAM! A boot to the groin.
So let's all clench our knees and cup our hands over our goodies and brace for impact.
And really now, do they really have something to hide or is this just a continuation of the increased dickishness (as in Cheney?) of the American Presidency? It almost defies all logic and explanation to the point where the only reasonable conclusion is the most nefarious one.
Again I say, yes that's right, again I say. . .
Oooh, the chafing.
Thursday, July 26, 2007
puzzling evidence - part one
Well I hope you're happy with what you've madeWe're being set up. Or maybe we're not. I am not sure which.
In the land of the free and the home of the brave
- David Byrne, "Puzzling Evidence"
We're heading for the day of reckoning I'm telling ya,I am getting the distinct feeling that something is happening here, what it is ain't exactly clear, and while there might be a man with a gun over there the young people are seemingly far to distracted and complacent with their Playstations or pimping their rides or pumping up their false sense of MySpace celebrity to have much of a mind to speak.
Its all building up to something,
Something that can be redeemed with fire
- Pete Townsend, "Give Blood"
And it's really fucked up. I mean, really.
Where to begin?
Sigh. . .
This will be a long one, my dear reader, doled out in installments. . .
Let's try starting here:
On July 24, Mr. Bush gave a speech where he mentioned Osama bin Laden by name 23 times.
[23 times?!?]
Presumably this was to remind us that the Boogeyman responsible for the worst attack on American soil, er, I'm sorry, the Homeland, is still lurking in the shadows Hell-bent on our destruction.
Okay, let's just go with that for a minute and assume that to be true.
Then why, in the immediate aftermath of 9/11 would the U.S. Government allow two dozen members of his family to fly out of the country without so much as a question regarding the whereabouts or doings of their kinsman? Yes, yes, I know, they are "estranged" and all, but still, one of them might know something. How come nobody bothered to ask?
Is he even still alive? Fox News reported his death in 2001. Apparently, the French press reported bin Laden died last August. White House spokesperson Fran Townsend seemed to get a bit testy when asked about bin Laden's health near the end of a press conference last week.
New video? Hah! Only if you believe he found the Fountain of Youth.
What's with all the obfuscation from the current administration regarding the status of the man that is wanted "dead or alive"?
Is it because the Munchkins were no longer afraid of the Wicked Witch after Dorothy crushed her with a house?
The Power of Nightmares
or for the more multi-media minded:
The Power of Nightmares
Here endeth Part One.
Digest. Discuss.
Saturday, July 21, 2007
he's got my vote
My dear friend G3000 is quite correct in his comment to a previous post: "Ron Paul is the real deal."
Yes! Indeed he is.
Indeed, he is:
[U.S. House of Representatives; May 22, 2007]
Yes! Indeed he is.
Indeed, he is:
[U.S. House of Representatives; May 22, 2007]
Thursday, July 19, 2007
chickenshit pussies
My dear reader, I implore thee, watch this, and join in me in expressions of revulsion and disgust.
And not to be a spoiler, my dear reader, but you simply will be both amazed and astounded at the twisted, convoluted and outright bullshit connection Tom Delay ( R - Disgraced Corrupt Bastard) makes between the issues of immigration and abortion in one of the video's more (but by all means not most) amusing scenes.
And not to be a spoiler, my dear reader, but you simply will be both amazed and astounded at the twisted, convoluted and outright bullshit connection Tom Delay ( R - Disgraced Corrupt Bastard) makes between the issues of immigration and abortion in one of the video's more (but by all means not most) amusing scenes.
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
bleating and babbling
Chertoff bases warning of terror risk on 'gut feeling'
They're using fear to steal
What we are guaranteed to keep
A war on music, drugs, or terror
Seems to very week by week
The ink on the parchment's fading
There are wolves among the sheep
Jesus, though a righteous dude
Was wrong about the meek
They're using fear to steal
What we are guaranteed to keep
A war on music, drugs, or terror
Seems to very week by week
The ink on the parchment's fading
There are wolves among the sheep
Jesus, though a righteous dude
Was wrong about the meek
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
nocturnal emissions
It's three fucking thirty in the gah-damned morning.
I'm half-drunk and full awake, a day into my second week of my two week summer break.
I'm reverting back into old ways of living, not a good lifestyle choice for a 41 year old married father of a six year old with significant disabilities.
I've had a realization about myself:
I'm not good at managing large amounts of unstructured time.
Guess I'll just finish my smoke, slam the rest of my Bacardi and Sprite and go to bed.
Earlier tonight, after The Boy was in bed, The Wife and I watched "The Grudge 2" and "Black Snake Moan".
No doubt my sleep will be full a frightening erotic dreams full of visions of Japanese ghosts and mostly naked Christina Ricci.
Yikes and yummy.
Sweet dreams.
I'm half-drunk and full awake, a day into my second week of my two week summer break.
I'm reverting back into old ways of living, not a good lifestyle choice for a 41 year old married father of a six year old with significant disabilities.
I've had a realization about myself:
I'm not good at managing large amounts of unstructured time.
Guess I'll just finish my smoke, slam the rest of my Bacardi and Sprite and go to bed.
Earlier tonight, after The Boy was in bed, The Wife and I watched "The Grudge 2" and "Black Snake Moan".
No doubt my sleep will be full a frightening erotic dreams full of visions of Japanese ghosts and mostly naked Christina Ricci.
Yikes and yummy.
Sweet dreams.
Sunday, July 08, 2007
press release
brimuzik is proud to present the nearly anticipated and almost avoided new hit single by polymer noyz: “home with me”.So check it out.
Fans and critics alike have described “home with me” as an instant classic, an artistic masterpiece of lo-fidelity cock rock. Many have heralded its squalid production and inebriated sloppy musicianship. It has been described as the "Sgt. Pepper's" of lo-fidelity cock rock.
"home with me" is a swaggering sultry blues jam that grinds, undulates, quivers, and climaxes in a throbbing and pulsating crescendo of wailing guitar. It will dampen the panties of any chick listening, and make all the young dudes envious of the monster that lurks beneath the trousers of The Good Doctor Polymer Noyz.
It is available here for your listening pleasure and immediate download so you can crank it while'st cruising for babes in your Bitchin' Camero.
Friday, July 06, 2007
vacatium never endum
Ah sweet Friday morning, shortly before noon.
I was rather rudely awoken about 7:30 this morning by what I perceive would have been a rather irate call from the plumber who replaced our water heater a couple months back. I say perceived because I did not answer the phone. Caller ID is a good thing. The Wife and I got up and promptly put a check in the mail and took about an hour to deal with the always unpleasant task that has been hanging over our heads all week like the dark clouds that drenched our ground: paying the rest of the monthly bills. There is never enough and it is always a juggling act. There is light at the end of the tunnel, for I have little doubt that soon The Wife will also be bringing home some bacon with her RN skills. I also might soon have the opportunity to name my price to part-time tutor what sounds like a very spoiled seven year old son of a frustrated millionaire with poor parenting skills. It is an intriguing idea and I should get info to contact this gentleman next week.
When that was done, the anxiety was gone and I felt an odd sense of relief. While the debt monkey is not off our back, he is at least held at bay for the next four weeks. The Wife went back to bed and I retired to the sofa to entertain myself with my newest gaming acquisition: GTA Vice City Stories on my newly purchased refurbished PS2. You just can't drop those things. Yes, I am very much a geek. It was an admitted unnecessary expense, but I justified and rationalized it by being on vacation this week (and next, yippie!) and as a way to vent my frustration at being unable to enjoy the above ground pool we bought The Boy for his birthday with his savings. Damn rain.
Today the skies are mostly clear, and while there is again rain in the forecast, I am optimistic that sunny days are almost here again. So for now, I am relaxing on the patio, enjoying a spiked Dr Pepper and getting caught up on the news of the day.
And yes, I am on vacation. The first true vacation in quite awhile. The past week has been busy with visiting family and friends and the Fourth of July, full of demands on my time. I got basically a long weekend off between the end of the school year and the start of the summer session. Only one day really, not counting the Memorial Day holiday. I found myself feeling slightly professionally burned-out, still loving my job, just not quite caring as much, needing a break.
I am in need of time to sit in silence and do nothing, to read (yes, I really am a geek), to write, to play guitar, to be with The Wife and The Boy, to just plain chill.
Which now I am happy to say I have.
Ah. . .
My wants are simple, my needs are few.
"All I need are some tasty waves, a cool buzz, and I'm fine."
I think I'll go fix myself another drink.
I was rather rudely awoken about 7:30 this morning by what I perceive would have been a rather irate call from the plumber who replaced our water heater a couple months back. I say perceived because I did not answer the phone. Caller ID is a good thing. The Wife and I got up and promptly put a check in the mail and took about an hour to deal with the always unpleasant task that has been hanging over our heads all week like the dark clouds that drenched our ground: paying the rest of the monthly bills. There is never enough and it is always a juggling act. There is light at the end of the tunnel, for I have little doubt that soon The Wife will also be bringing home some bacon with her RN skills. I also might soon have the opportunity to name my price to part-time tutor what sounds like a very spoiled seven year old son of a frustrated millionaire with poor parenting skills. It is an intriguing idea and I should get info to contact this gentleman next week.
When that was done, the anxiety was gone and I felt an odd sense of relief. While the debt monkey is not off our back, he is at least held at bay for the next four weeks. The Wife went back to bed and I retired to the sofa to entertain myself with my newest gaming acquisition: GTA Vice City Stories on my newly purchased refurbished PS2. You just can't drop those things. Yes, I am very much a geek. It was an admitted unnecessary expense, but I justified and rationalized it by being on vacation this week (and next, yippie!) and as a way to vent my frustration at being unable to enjoy the above ground pool we bought The Boy for his birthday with his savings. Damn rain.
Today the skies are mostly clear, and while there is again rain in the forecast, I am optimistic that sunny days are almost here again. So for now, I am relaxing on the patio, enjoying a spiked Dr Pepper and getting caught up on the news of the day.
And yes, I am on vacation. The first true vacation in quite awhile. The past week has been busy with visiting family and friends and the Fourth of July, full of demands on my time. I got basically a long weekend off between the end of the school year and the start of the summer session. Only one day really, not counting the Memorial Day holiday. I found myself feeling slightly professionally burned-out, still loving my job, just not quite caring as much, needing a break.
I am in need of time to sit in silence and do nothing, to read (yes, I really am a geek), to write, to play guitar, to be with The Wife and The Boy, to just plain chill.
Which now I am happy to say I have.
Ah. . .
My wants are simple, my needs are few.
"All I need are some tasty waves, a cool buzz, and I'm fine."
I think I'll go fix myself another drink.
Wednesday, July 04, 2007
preachin' to the choir
Tuesday, July 03, 2007
Independence Day Eve day. . .
Hey baby, it's almost the fourth of July.
The extended family visit weekend has come to an end. The Wife and The Boy are tucked in and sleeping. For the first time in seemingly the past week or so I step out on the back patio for a moment of quiet and peace.
The first song I hear when I fire up the iBook. . .
The Clash, Clampdown.
The second, Sixty Years On.
The third. . .
And I mean that. Really, I do.
Ah, sweet vodka ease the pain. . .
You think the guys over at Radio Paradise have been listening to Alex Jones?
Ah, I'll be alright in the morning. Just feeling a little stressed.
Hey baby, it's almost the fourth of July.
The extended family visit weekend has come to an end. The Wife and The Boy are tucked in and sleeping. For the first time in seemingly the past week or so I step out on the back patio for a moment of quiet and peace.
The first song I hear when I fire up the iBook. . .
The Clash, Clampdown.
The second, Sixty Years On.
The third. . .
In my dream I was drowning my sorrowsJust when I think I can't take it anymore. . .
But my sorrows they learned to swim
Surrounding me, going down on me
Spilling over the brim
In waves of regret, waves of joy
I reached out for the one I tried to destroy
You, you said you'd wait until the end of the world
I sit at my table and wage war on myselfCripes man, what a freakin' night. Not just night, but the entire last few days.
And I mean that. Really, I do.
Ah, sweet vodka ease the pain. . .
You think the guys over at Radio Paradise have been listening to Alex Jones?
Ah, I'll be alright in the morning. Just feeling a little stressed.
Monday, July 02, 2007
two great tastes
I thought I would never live to see the day that anything topped my dear friend Matt's late 1980's invention of the original Liquid Reese's ("two great tastes that taste great together"), a delectable combination that truly caused your mouth to explode with flavor: alternating chugs of cold day-old coffee straight from the pot and Blue Beast.
I was sadly mistaken.

The perfect combination indeed.
Mmmm. . . . you can really taste the clam.
I was sadly mistaken.

The perfect combination indeed.
Mmmm. . . . you can really taste the clam.