
Tuesday, January 16, 2007

snow day 

Yes, my dear reader, you're memory is quite correct and very impressive, I have already used that title for a previous post.

"But that was then, and this is now / It doesn't matter anyhow" is how the Byrds-ish song in my head goes. I don't care. I like it. Say it with me: "snow day".

Doesn't it just sound yummy?

Outside is an eery, quiet calm. The only sounds come from the wind creaking through frozen tree branches and the gentle whisper of lightly falling sleet. Thank you, Mr. Freezemiser. Even the ever present raging concrete river of the interstate highway that lies half a mile or so as the crow flies to the east of our home is quiet this morning.

This is a moment to be savored.

And so I shall.

Yes, frozen cold icy weather has shut down our fair city and the local news reporters have turned into our collective mother: "Don't go outside without a hat", "wear mittens or gloves". On and on they endlessly prattle. And don't get me started on the local television weather folks. It's like the past day has been one giant 24 hour orgasm for them. They bask in front of the green screen glow of their increasingly impressive graphics while delivering their sixth grade earth science lesson to explain the weather and why the ground is slippery.

Thanks guys. I appreciate it. No really, I do.

Enough of this for now.

While The Wife and The Boy still snugly slumber I shall finish my generously spiked cup of morning coffee and then go see if I can skate down the nicely icely glazed sidewalk in a pair of beloved and well-worn Chuck Taylors.

Be'cha I can. . .

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