
Thursday, July 17, 2008

it might sound like a good idea 

Department of Peace Bill Has Bipartisan Support in Congress

. . . but. . .

Read this again:
Domestically, the Department will research, propose and facilitate practical, field-tested solutions to reduce and prevent violence. It will provide additional financial and institutional heft to strengthen and complement our current approach to violence, focusing on prevention through multi-layered strategies. These strategies include increased funding for local programs already proven effective at reducing and preventing violence. A Peace Academy, on par with the military service academies, will provide a four-year course of instruction in peace education after which graduates will be required to serve five years in public service in programs dedicated to domestic or international nonviolent conflict resolution.

". . . will research, propose and facilitate practical, field-tested solutions to reduce and prevent violence."

We are naught but guinea pigs.

"A Peace Academy, on par with the military service academies, will provide a four-year course of instruction in peace education. . ."

Guinea pigs in a lab soon to be run by spies, snitches and nasty ass sons of bitches.

Wait jus' a sec, I've heard this all before.

They are combining the best of both worlds:

The Ministry of Peace

The Ministry of Love

The bastards.

Don't believe the hype.

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