Sunday, September 28, 2008
guitar hero
Well, my dear reader, it seems as though the time has come for me to make a confession.
And I'll be honest, this is a difficult thing for me to do.
But, in the interest of full disclosure, and continuing what is nothing less than a tradition of total honesty and full disclosure within the confines of this humble blog, I must tell you this:
I have spent much of the past eight hours or so playing Guitar Hero II.
There, I've admitted it.
I wish no more to admit than I did to waste a huge chunk of a Sunday playing the freakin' video game. But both are equally true.
And yes, I rocked.
Damn skippy.
I avoided it for as long as possible. Like you, my dear reader, I have seen the ads on television and thought to myself, "Why, that's just fucking stupid." or "How fucking lame is that?"
Why would anyone waste their time pretending to play guitar, mashing buttons, pretending to rock, when they could be playing a real guitar and actually rocking? As I have several of the real guitars with which to rock, the question seemed all the more irrelevant.
Until the middle of this afternoon.
About a week or so ago The Nurse's kids left the game along with the mini Gibson SG controller at my house when they came over to play with The Boy. It sat untouched on the floor and then on a shelf.
Well, The Wife and The Boy left town for the weekend, leaving me alone to explore, experience, and enjoy my vices. And let's be honest, after a day or so even that gets boring.
I saw it sitting there. I picked it up and plugged it in.
Granted, I took the occasional break to rant and to eat Chicken McNuggets and pound a few post tailgate hangover tallboys of Lone Star (you know, that whole vices thing), but still. . .
I tuned in, turned it on, and man did I ever drop out.
And yes, I rock!
(As if there was ever a doubt.)
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