
Wednesday, June 16, 2004

fear the cylons, love the sleestaks 

And for the love of God, don't be afraid to make a wish that goes horribly awry!

I urge each and everyone of you to check out the crazy knowledge and wisdom my long time friend and for a brief time housemate is throwing down on your sorry lazy asses. It is not an option. So do it now! I'll wait. . .

Good, now welcome back.

We should all pray to The Lord and to The Lucky Stars each morning that we have a dedicated individual surfing the web for the information we need. Without Harley, most, if not all, of us would have missed this very important news story:

A nude model, five bodies and the Mormon assassination plot attempt

I need not write any more because I know by now you have all clicked on the above link and are no longer reading this.

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