
Sunday, June 13, 2004

ms. von munchausen revisited 

She's gone. . .

Yes, she is gone from our lives and most importantly gone from the life of The Boy. If she ever so much as has the opportunity to lay her cold eyes upon him again it will be from the defendant's chair in a courtroom.

Although she's gone she is far from forgotten and has yet to be brought to justice. For that reason she remains a spectre that sometimes haunts my dreams.

She's still the worst kind of Evil with a capital "E". I haven't written about her in a long time because I have no real new news to report. Which is not to say that we haven't learned a whole freakin' lot in the past few months about her dark heart and her methods of evil.

However, at present The Wife and I are slowly losing faith in the multiple government agencies whose job it is to hold Ms. von Munchausen accountable for her actions. It seems as though most are in a heavy C.Y.A. mode. Yet we will patiently wait for all of them to finish their various and multiple "investigations", because at present we have no other choice.

But someday, after the Judge puts the final gavel down on The Boy's adoption procedings, we will have another choice and a case to be made. And we have the documents to prove it. So we smile and nod and hold our tongues and wait. And wait. And wait. And wait.

And wait. And wait. And wait.

The Boy continues to astound and amaze. He is remarkable beyond our wildest dreams. The progress he has made in the now three months since he has been placed with us is amazing.

It's really not all that surprising that a child's level of ability and awareness will improve almost exponentially if they go from receiving a total of 38 doses of a dozen or so medications in a twenty four hour period to three meds four times a day.

What is surprising is the magnitude of his progress.

Such as. . .

Last week on his third day of school ever because he just turned three a week ago, The Boy whom Ms. von Munchausen said was completely blind because of "optic nerve atrophy" chose the color he wanted the flowers to be on the artwork that now adorns our 'fridge by looking at his choice.

This morning, The Boy whom Ms. von Munchausen wrote required around the clock nutrition via a gastrostomy tube because he "doesn't have a brain" and therefore lacked the cognitive ability to eat (causing both aspiration and projectile vomiting) had gingerbread pancakes and fresh strawberries for breakfast.

With each new amazing thing he does I find myself angry once again at a woman who did all that she could to hold him back.

My contempt, disgust, and hatred for Ms. von Munchausen continues to grow.

Elvis Costello says it quite well:

A woman was kissing a child, who was obviously in pain
She spills with compassion, as that young child's
Face in her hands she grips
Can you imagine all that greed and avarice coming down on that child's lips

Well I hope I don't die too soon
I pray the Lord my soul to save
Oh I'll be a good boy, I'm trying so hard to behave
Because there's one thing I know, I'd like to live long enough to savour
That's when they finally put you in the ground
I'll stand on your grave and tramp the dirt down

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