
Thursday, July 01, 2004

evidence of crazy 

First, my dear readers, I would like to share this with you:

Ms. von Munchausen spews forth venom from her forked tongue.

There she is, Ms. von Munchausen. Malicious stone hearted cold blooded egocentric evil. Posing for the cameras last March outside the courtroom right after the judge approved the State's intervention to take away her children, lying to the community saying that she had "done nothing to violate the trust" placed in her.

I've been wanting to share that for months. Whomever said "discretion is the better part of valour" didn't just slam a couple cups of Folger's French Vanilla coffee spiked with double shots of rum. (I've got a week and a half vacation break between summer school sessions. I'm taking full advantage of it.). My patience, while legendary in some circles, is not limitless.

It has been three, going on four months since Ms. von Munchausen maliciously, if not fully intentionally, almost killed The Boy. Three going on four months since the State Child Protection Agency finally began paying attention and shut down her so-called Home for Children with Significant Medical Needs due to multiple allegations of child abuse and neglect. Three going on four months since a jar full of mercury was found in her bedroom. Three going on four months since the local police and the DA began their criminal investigations. Three going on four months since Medicaid began a massive fraud investigation.

And where is Ms. von Munchausen? We have heard she may have recently purchased another home. I don 't know how, and I don't know where. She is not in prison. She has not yet been arrested. I understand that the wheels of justice turn slowly, but come the fuck on.

So, during my week and a half vacation, I am returning to my crusade to bring the fucking bitch down.

It is my hope that my efforts, while not in vain, are unnecessary. The Wife just got a call from The Mole who is still working for the Board of Directors of Ms. von Munchausen's so-called Home for Children with Significant Medical Needs. The Mole and a couple others remained to clean up the mess, both literally and figuratively. The Mole just called and talked to The Wife about the various goings on. The Wife quoted her as quoting the Board's Lawyer referring to Ms. von Munchausen as saying, "she's just committing fraud left and right." And apparently Her husband, the Physically Abusive Possibly Pedophilic Idiot just struck some sort of deal with someone where he agreed to tesfify against her. I knew that sorry bastard would sell her out in about two seconds to save his own lame ass.

We'll see what happens and continue to wait, patiently if not quietly. And I'm not holding my breath. In the meantime, it's back to my crusade.

Okay, I went off on a little tangent there. Sorry. I remain very emotionally invested in the subject and have been known to ramble incessantly on.

But now on to the (hopefully more entertaining) purpose of this little rant.

Yesterday, while going through piles of documents we have received from Ms. von Munchausen's so-called Home for Children with Significant Medical Needs, The Wife came across an early version of the place's history that Ms. von Munchausen wrote to deceive prospective donors. She makes mention of her dead daughter, who died at around age three from a still unknown and undiagnosed immune system disease. In my mind, I have little doubt that this child was her first victim.

Okay, now to the fun crazy part. . .

Ms. von Munchausen wrote that her dead toddler daughter's favorite book was The Prophet, by Khalil Gibran.


Okay, amazon.com describes this book as follows:

"In a distant, timeless place, a mysterious prophet walks the sands. At the moment of his departure, he wishes to offer the people gifts but possesses nothing. The people gather round, each asks a question of the heart, and the man's wisdom is his gift. It is Gibran's gift to us, as well, for Gibran's prophet is rivaled in his wisdom only by the founders of the world's great religions. On the most basic topics--marriage, children, friendship, work, pleasure--his words have a power and lucidity that in another era would surely have provoked the description "divinely inspired." Free of dogma, free of power structures and metaphysics, consider these poetic, moving aphorisms a 20th-century supplement to all sacred traditions--as millions of other readers already have."

Huh? A three year old liked this? I'm approaching the near side to forty and I think it's boring crap and would still prefer to read a good book by Dr. Seuss.

But then again, i'm not a toddler genious, so it's not surprising that I'm not moved by passages such as:

Then a mason came forth and said, "Speak to us of Houses."
And he answered and said:
Build of your imaginings a bower in the wilderness ere you build a house within the city walls.
For even as you have home-comings in your twilight, so has the wanderer in you, the ever distant and alone.
Your house is your larger body.

She's fucking crazy. Lock her up.


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