
Saturday, September 25, 2004

ah, autumn 

It's a beautiful Saturday morning. The first Saturday of Fall has arrived with the courtesy to act like it should.

It is overcast, cool (relatively speaking), with a light breeze and the promise of rain. I love these mornings.

I get up, open up a window or two and put a pot of coffee on.

"I woke up this morning and got myself a beer. " - Jim Morrison

Occassionally dead hippies have good ideas and I gotta do som'tin while the coffee's brewing.

Step into my boxers and out into the morning. (Was I brewing coffee naked? I'll never tell. I just think it's amusing to put that image in your head.)

I wander slowly around the back yard, savoring my Tecate. (And the beer's not so bad either. Bada bing! Bada boom!)

The feeling in the air inevitably takes me back to my earliest days in the city, now a full two decades prior. I fled the sprawling homogenous soul-crushing sameness of suburbia and went off to expand my mind and broaden my horizons at The University.

Turn on the tele, right? Cause it's been over eight hours since I got my cable news fix.

(Another confession, my dear reader. I'm a bit of an information junkie. I love that we now live in a world where if anything happens anywhere at anytime it will instantly be delivered to your home by an endless stream of talking heads with very well groomed hair twenty-four seven gee. I gobble up the media candy like a fat kid in a chocolate shop.)

Yeah. Because for chris'sakes there's another damn hurricane fittin'ta bitchslap the Floridians. Time for the Weather Channel hurricane media orgasm! Yes, oh yes!

I love to watch the inevitable live shot from the poor bastard of a reporter they make go stand on the beach and report on the storm with overstatements of the obvious. And to watch the camera fly around as some other poor bastard has to hold them damn thing up in the wind and the rain. Always guaranteed to be one-hundred percent fun.

Yes! The weather dude just said, "most people drown in water. . ." Oh, really, people can drown in water? Ho ho, that's rich!

Soon, I'll wake The Wife and The Boy. We'll begin another wonderful day as a family. But this moment, right now, is my time.

Ah. . . It's a beautiful day.

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