Thursday, September 16, 2004
Cardinal Fang recently cited an article on by former Clinton advisor Sydney Blumenthal that presents the argument that the Iraq War is already lost.
Yeah, probably, in the long run. But then again I've never been an optimistic fan of American foreign affairs. "To much stick, not enough carrot," as the Old Gaffer used to say.
I wonder how many recruits Al Queda gets for every Iraqi we kill. The U.S invasion and occupation of Iraq is the best thing that could have happened to Al Queda.
So, if you're losing one war (or is it two, anyone think it's odd that no one talks about Afghanistan anymore?), why not start another war to stoke up the fires of patriotic furor and distract people from the one(s) your losing.
Those blasted Iranians are apparently gettin' uppity and toying with nukes. That is apparently more than dubya can "tolerate".
So, what to do about it.
Well, lets look at a map of the region shall we? Occupied Afghanistan on one side. Occupied Iraq on the other. Hmmm. . . how 'bout arranging for our troops to meet in the middle and have a little picnic, in say, downtown Tehran? Iran is, after all, part of the axis of evil.
Wouldn't that be the perfect trifecta for dubya's boys? And be the perfect way to guarantee the Islamic world hates America for even more generations to come. Yeah, that's the way to win the "War on Terr".
And at what cost? Only the price of a few hundred ordinary lives or thousands, but really, who's counting?
Yeah, probably, in the long run. But then again I've never been an optimistic fan of American foreign affairs. "To much stick, not enough carrot," as the Old Gaffer used to say.
I wonder how many recruits Al Queda gets for every Iraqi we kill. The U.S invasion and occupation of Iraq is the best thing that could have happened to Al Queda.
So, if you're losing one war (or is it two, anyone think it's odd that no one talks about Afghanistan anymore?), why not start another war to stoke up the fires of patriotic furor and distract people from the one(s) your losing.
Those blasted Iranians are apparently gettin' uppity and toying with nukes. That is apparently more than dubya can "tolerate".
So, what to do about it.
Well, lets look at a map of the region shall we? Occupied Afghanistan on one side. Occupied Iraq on the other. Hmmm. . . how 'bout arranging for our troops to meet in the middle and have a little picnic, in say, downtown Tehran? Iran is, after all, part of the axis of evil.
Wouldn't that be the perfect trifecta for dubya's boys? And be the perfect way to guarantee the Islamic world hates America for even more generations to come. Yeah, that's the way to win the "War on Terr".
And at what cost? Only the price of a few hundred ordinary lives or thousands, but really, who's counting?
Many times I have had such thoughts. I feel empathetic with you. Thanks for your sharing. Have a happy day and be happy
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