Monday, March 24, 2008
a chill down my spine
"a small inconvenience to ensure their safe arrival" ?
It starts with the airlines keeping us safe on planes. And we all know why we must be safe on planes.
And if it works on a plane, won't it also work at the mall? You don't want a repeat of Omaha, do you?
It sounds like a great idea for schools. Unless you want another Columbine. And surely you don't want that.
This is a great idea.
It will keep you safe. You wanna be safe don't you?
Maybe someday we can all be fitted with our own EMD Safety Bracelet. Mmmm. . . safety.
Or collars of obedience.
That way we can all be safe.
Imagine the implications when we are all safe. Imagine that world. Imagine what a peaceful place it will be. Imagine the benefit of being able to keep the peace with the push of a button. We need not ever experience the horror of scenes such as this.
Imagine the benefit to maintaining public order. This sort of anarchist disorder and chaos would have never occurred had this technology only been available 40 years ago.
Imagine it. Then take your Ambien and go to bed. Everything will be okay.
"You better stay homeFuck that. This is evil.
And do as you're told.
Get out of the road if you want to grow old."
- R. Waters
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