
Tuesday, April 15, 2008

happy tax day 

Now my advice for those who die
Declare the pennies on your eyes
'Cause I'm the taxman
Yeah, I'm the taxman
And you're working for no one but me
- Brother George
Ah, my dear reader and my fellow citizens, it is indeed a joyous day! It is a day for rendering to Caesar, and for celebrating the benevolent love of Big Brother!

It is tax day! It is tax day!

As do I, my doubtlessly like-minded dear dear, I know you enjoy all the insightful local news coverage of this great day. I know you secretly love the news footage of the long lines at the post office. You tremor with glee when you see an intrepid hot young reporterette conduct an in-depth interview with some bumbling yokel, an irate business man, or some anxious SUV driving suburban MILF, inquiring the reason as to why they waited until the last minute to file.

When your done with that, my dear reader, and wish to then fill your mind with meatier thoughts, then watch the video that follows. You will be flabbergasted! You will be outraged! You will be irritated, angered, and annoyed! Then be a good citizen and make sure you've paid your taxes.

Knowing the dog has rabies doesn't prevent it from attacking you if you taunt it with a stick.

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