Tuesday, July 06, 2004
evil or greed or both
"The Boy possibly has GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disorder) and he is on medication and an adjusted diet to treat that. He does have frequent projectile vomiting from the neurologic problems and his diet and weight have to be monitored very closely. The Boy is having increasing problems taking formula from a bottle and often forgets how to suck-and-swallow, with resultant choking, aspiration hazard, and poor intake. He is weighed daily and his formula concentration is adjusted in order to maintain/gain weight. As The Boy gets older his feeding skills will deteriorate further and he will eventually require tube feedings."
- Ms. von Munchausen, 12/02/2001 from an official quarterly MEDICAL UPDATE as part of the regular bureaucratic paperwork processs for the State Child Protection Agency.
Barely two months after she wrote that The Boy got a gastrostomy tube. Up until this past April he was not allowed to eat or taste anything orally. All of his nutrition was slowly and continuously pumped into his stomach via his g-tube. In April we had testing (which Ms. von Munchausen was vehemently opposed to and subsequently never allowed) that revealed The Boy can eat.
Interesting how she predicts the future, ain't it? It's even more interesting when you consider that we have yet to discover one valid piece of medical documentation which justifies the need for the surgery. And we've looked. We're still looking.
It get's more interesting when you consider that a kid with more significant medical needs, such as a g-tube, brings a significantly larger monthly check in the mail to their foster placement.
(How significantly greater? Ms. von Munchausen received 10 times(!) what we receive for the daily foster care rate to take care of The Boy -- That's one of the differences between love and money.)
That's funny, very funny. Because if I don't laugh the anger makes my blood begin to boil.
Today, The Boy ate plums for breakfast, beef ravioli for lunch, sweet potato's and zucchini for dinner.
- Ms. von Munchausen, 12/02/2001 from an official quarterly MEDICAL UPDATE as part of the regular bureaucratic paperwork processs for the State Child Protection Agency.
Barely two months after she wrote that The Boy got a gastrostomy tube. Up until this past April he was not allowed to eat or taste anything orally. All of his nutrition was slowly and continuously pumped into his stomach via his g-tube. In April we had testing (which Ms. von Munchausen was vehemently opposed to and subsequently never allowed) that revealed The Boy can eat.
Interesting how she predicts the future, ain't it? It's even more interesting when you consider that we have yet to discover one valid piece of medical documentation which justifies the need for the surgery. And we've looked. We're still looking.
It get's more interesting when you consider that a kid with more significant medical needs, such as a g-tube, brings a significantly larger monthly check in the mail to their foster placement.
(How significantly greater? Ms. von Munchausen received 10 times(!) what we receive for the daily foster care rate to take care of The Boy -- That's one of the differences between love and money.)
That's funny, very funny. Because if I don't laugh the anger makes my blood begin to boil.
Today, The Boy ate plums for breakfast, beef ravioli for lunch, sweet potato's and zucchini for dinner.
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