
Tuesday, January 04, 2005

frey witness drinking 

Did anyone happen to see male news hottie Matt Lauer's alleged interview (but more realistically a book advertisement) with aldulterating vixen star witness at a high profile murder trial hottie Amber Frey?

It was awesome! Did anyone tape or TIVO it? I regret that I neglected my television somewhat and did not know that it was going to be on, so I was ill prepared.

For the love of God and all that is holy, please my dear reader, tell me you did, tell me you did! Then tell me, my dear reader, how I may get a copy of this jewel of prime time entertainment so that I may further support and better enjoy my recreational consumption of alcohol.

It is a drinking game waiting to happen.

The Amber Frey / Matt Lauer : WITNESS Interview Drinking Game.
Matt Lauer refers to Scott Peterson as being evil or bad = drink 1
Matt Lauer refers to Amber Frey as being virtuous and good = drink 1
Amber Frey refers to herself and her grand importance to the case = drink 1
Amber Frey cries = drink 2
Matt Lauer looks like he is about to cry = drink 1
Matt Lauer looks shocked or offended (or constipated?) = drink 1
Amber Frey cries while talking about crying = drink 4 (cry x cry)
Matt Lauer cries = tip the bottle back and drink till you cry

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