
Saturday, August 26, 2006

wha? whoa! huh? wow! 

Granted my dear reader, it is well past two o'clock on a Friday night. So I guess that means it's technically Saturday morning. It matters not how this moment in time is defined. No decent person not completely falling into turpitude could possibly be awake right now to see such, such, such. . .

shamefully decadent indulgence? sinfully enticing debauchery?

or just another program hawking lots of cheesy cheap-ass imported crap?

Either way, I implore thee to please take the advice of The Good Doctor Polymer Noyz and by all means check this out (but first I must warn you, my dear reader, this is most definitely neither workplace nor family friendly) ---

Have you seen this new cable television home shopping program?

Now please excuse me my dear reader. I am interested in learning more about the vibrating nipple clamps and the butt plug with the "rubber ticklers" that hang down thus giving it the appearance of a tail for "pony games".

It's a crazy world. Somebody oughta sell tickets.

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