
Friday, October 13, 2006

from today's correspondence 

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a moment of sharing, a lifetime of caring. . .

Gravatar Have you been talking with them, or just feeling a presence? 'Cause if they're talkin', there's a lot we'd all like to understand.

Gravatar I've been talking, for the most part, they've just been mostly listening. Somehow, they do communicate if not quite speak. I see them in memories triggered by movie scenes and moments of song. They visit me in dreams as we relive old times and create new ones. Dreams of happier times with violently ugly ends, both in dream and in reality.

Sometimes they come with the shift of the wind.

So, yes, in a way, they are most definitely talking, but in a language that is unique for me to accept then understand. We all find our own ways to come to terms. . .

I endeavour to decipher the riddles that hold the answers to the questions of their lives through metaphor and memory. This gives them a deeper sense of meaning. As I do this, I find counsel and guidance in the direction of my own.

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