Tuesday, May 11, 2004
said the kettle to the pot
Okay, listen. . .
I'm as freaked out and outraged as the next guy that some sorry excuse for sons of motherless goat fucking bastards proudly make a video of themselves cutting off the head of some poor schlub who most unluckily found himself at the proverbial "wrong place, wrong time".
I hope they're found, captured, and repeatedly sodomized with rusty railroad spikes until they get tetanus and die horrid slow painful deaths.
And I'm generally considered by most to be a peace and beer loving hippie.
And it's not that I'm some freakin' gung-ho "America! love it or leave it! I wish I could suck Rush Limbaugh's dick cause he kicks liberal ass!" type.
I think the same punishment should be applied to those responsible for the abuse of the Iraqi prisoners and starting this whole fucking mess in the first place. Not the grunts, but the ones really responsible for the whole fuckin' mess: dubya, Rumsfeld, Wolfowicz, Saddam, etc.
And, yes, I'm still generally considered to be a pacifist tree hugging hippie.
This afternoon, dubya issued a statement about the incident through his official spokespuppet:
" 'Our thoughts and prayers are with his family,' White House Press Secretary Scott McClellan said. 'It shows the true nature of the enemies of freedom. They have no regard for the lives of innocent men, women and children.' "
". . . true nature of the enemies of freedom." ?!? ". . . no regard for the lives of innocent men, woman and children" !?!?
What the fuck?
And like Superman, the current American regime still proudly supports truth, justice, and the American way!
I'm as freaked out and outraged as the next guy that some sorry excuse for sons of motherless goat fucking bastards proudly make a video of themselves cutting off the head of some poor schlub who most unluckily found himself at the proverbial "wrong place, wrong time".
I hope they're found, captured, and repeatedly sodomized with rusty railroad spikes until they get tetanus and die horrid slow painful deaths.
And I'm generally considered by most to be a peace and beer loving hippie.
And it's not that I'm some freakin' gung-ho "America! love it or leave it! I wish I could suck Rush Limbaugh's dick cause he kicks liberal ass!" type.
I think the same punishment should be applied to those responsible for the abuse of the Iraqi prisoners and starting this whole fucking mess in the first place. Not the grunts, but the ones really responsible for the whole fuckin' mess: dubya, Rumsfeld, Wolfowicz, Saddam, etc.
And, yes, I'm still generally considered to be a pacifist tree hugging hippie.
This afternoon, dubya issued a statement about the incident through his official spokespuppet:
" 'Our thoughts and prayers are with his family,' White House Press Secretary Scott McClellan said. 'It shows the true nature of the enemies of freedom. They have no regard for the lives of innocent men, women and children.' "
". . . true nature of the enemies of freedom." ?!? ". . . no regard for the lives of innocent men, woman and children" !?!?
What the fuck?
And like Superman, the current American regime still proudly supports truth, justice, and the American way!
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