
Friday, July 09, 2004

a kind of movie review 

Earlier today The Wife and I went to see Fahrenheit 9/11.

Two words: kicks ass

As you well know, my dear readers, from my earlier rants, Michael Moore was basically preaching to the choir in the case of myself and The Wife. I think it fairly safe to say that holds true for the rest of the theater audience. When the lights came up at the end, we looked around and saw a theater about half full of old hippies. And a smattering of younger twentysomething neohippies.

I do love this town.

Everytime Dick Cheney appeared on the screen the old hippie seated behind me hollered out something like "Wow, I didn't know he was still alive!".

We just sat there, hand in hand, watching, listening, and learning as we slowly sipped our heavily laced with smuggled in vodka very overpriced Cokes.

And I must confess a criticism and complaint about the film. I realize this comes fresh on the heels of my recent Gothika review, but. . .

This was something of a surprise, so if you have not yet seen the film I apologize for ruining the surprise but rest assured I am not giving enough detail so as to be a spoiler.

Britney was in the movie and there was no bumping, grinding, or gyrating! Yes, that's right Britney was in the movie and we did not see her bejeweled belly button. That is a damn shame.

And John Conyers got way more screen time.

"There's what's right, and there's what's right, and never the twain shall meet." - H.I. McDonnough, Raising Arizona

At first I thought the 1984 comparison was perhaps a little overdramatic. But then I realized that short of actually calling the current regime Nazis, it is reference to a totalitarian state that I would hope a majority of people understand.

And then I came home and read this:

Americans Object to War Images Online

and this:

Pentagon: Bush Military Records Destroyed

I had a revelation.

Ignorance is bliss. I love Big Brother.

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